Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tamil teriyaad!

I: anna, T.nagar, pondy bazar...how much?

Autowala(with a nod of the head): $#%^$%

I(with a little smile): Tamil teriyaad anna!

Autowala (with a are-you-alien look): 40

I: what anna? daily i pay 30

Autowala: 35 %^$%*

I: ok...
This is the scene every morning while I commute from my home to the office. Whenever I say "Tamil teriyaad" to anybody I feel kind of funny. Its fun to see the expression on the person's face after he/she hears this. This has happened a lot of times and everytime this happens I enjoy it. But the real action starts there after, during the conversation a new language emerges which is a mixture of signs, english, tamil and hindi (A lingual bhel puri) ;) .
The trouble increases many fold if the person in conversation does not know Hindi and English at all. Then I get lost in the tsunami of tamil words and i start searching for meaning like I am searching for an oasis in a desert. Tamil teriyaad does not work there!

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