Friday, January 19, 2007

Double standards?

The issue of racism against Shilpa Shetty in UK's show Big Brother is hot and the media is busy trying to cover all aspects of the issue. A number of questions are being asked, campaigns are being organised, both the governments have came out with statements, the sponsors of the show are backing out and now there's a doubt on the "Reality" factor of these reality shows.

My concern is about India's position. Does India really have the moral right to raise a voice against racism? Isn't that a double standard behaviour? In our country we differentiate people on the basis of caste and this differentiation is used for everything, right from admission to a premier institute to search for a life partner. Just recently issues have been raised on caste based reservations in top notch institutes like IIMs and IITs. But still these reservations are there in place. The "So called" upper caste people are still apprehensive of the people from other caste. Even the educated (actually literate is the right word) people believe in this caste system. The roots of this caste system are really deep down. What are we doing to address this issue? If there is so much categorisation in the country itself how can we expect an equality in the outer world?

If people can unite against racism in other country why not against the caste system in our own country?


abhijit said...

Very true....Majhya 'daakhala' hya gajhalet 2 sher aahe.. tujhach prashn tithe vegalya paddhatine mandalay..

Thanks for comment on Sholay. Why don't u write Marathi blog?

Sh'shank said...

see its simple
when shilpa shetty is outside india she is an indian not a bong or another community or anything but in india u r a someone and hence
the support comes when u see one of urs is being unfairly treated and hence the larger community forms and reacts...

Pritesh Jain said...

I think it was all part of game. Somehow media attention made it a serious issue. And then the government had to push its leg. The move by both the governments are not really good. There it is poll politics while it is simple politics. They have shown us they "do" care about us wherever we are.

abhijit said...

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