The title of this post shows the side effects of living in Chennai. Pondy is "Pondicherry" and Super Irka means "is super". I spent the weekend with four of my friends in Pondicherry, the core of the trip was food and booze (I am a non-alcoholic though...more on this later). Felt like I was in heaven for two days. The cool and breezy weather was indeed an icing on the cake. But the real show stealer was the hotel Ajantha where we stayed. It was right beside the beach so could experience the beach at every phase of the day.
We reached Pondicherry at the lunch time and went to the beach in the afternoon. The water seemed clear and reflected the shades of grey green and blue. A cool breeze was blowing and hence no heat was felt. In the evening it was time to explore the beach on the East Coast Road. In the night the scene was awesome with the stars and moon in the sky and the white bustling tides of the sea. I have no words to describe this scene. But the police patrol played spoilsport and drove the people away at around 12 midnight. I decided to witness the Sun rise at the shore in the morning but the clouds had other plan. I could not see the Sun rise but the weather was so amazing and i was so engrossed in the tranquil atmosphere that I sat there for almost three hours. On the food front we had an exquisite french breakfast consisting of chicken sausages, bacon, fruits, coffee, juice, scrambled eggs and bread and in the end it was death by chocolate.
So all in all it was great weekend getaway. So if anybody asks me How's Pondy the answer is simple...Super Irka!
I absolutely love pondicherry, have great memories associated with it. the best thing about it is that you can hire bikes and just go off from beach to beach, and to aurubindo.... :D. You should try karwar also. I would rate it way above pondicheery, it is simply amazing.
:) we'd hit pondy from coll...some 18 of us, we managed to shacks just next to the beach-kinda like tree top huts, made of bamboo and stuff. awesome fun!the whole day at the beach, we never even bothered to go anywhere else...
one lazy break!
I still have to go there. Its a must-go in my list. :)
And btw it's poducherry or something like that. No more pondy :)
@ prits: Ya man, its Pudducherry now officially but it's still Pondy in local lingo.
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