Friday, July 20, 2007

19 July: 2006…2007

When I started writing Blog a year ago, never thought that I would come so far। Now when I look back at the past year I can see a lot of expressions. I can see me chatting with myself, I remember how my life moved on from Aurangabad to Pune and from Pune to Chennai, the excitement of going back to the institute, the experience of attending the first Alumni Meet, the frustration of job, the ever increasing hatred for Chennai, the moment of point blank and a whole lot of emotions expressed in words that rhyme.

Not only writing but reading Blogs also has been great fun, thoughtful Blogs, random craps, wicked stories, funny experiences and a whole lot of Marathi blogs. I have chanced upon everyhthing that I got to read. Now I have so many friends in this blogosphere and the best part is they are faceless, as if only the souls exists no body.

The journey has just begun and there are many miles (infact posts) to go before i bid adieu.

So keep coming back for more:)


Anonymous said...

Our inner thoughts and feelings can be better shared by the unknown people.

The blog is the best platform to share our ideas and views.

Plz do visit my blog and have an experience & feelings about my feelings.

Regards & thanks.

rayshma said...

there's something they say... about it being easier to open ur hearts to strangers... :)
i somehow, am not able to blog-roll u! :(

Arunima said...

congrats for completing one year and may you continue with the same zeal!

Anand Sarolkar said...

@MSN:So formal!

@Rayshma: may not sure.

@Arunima: Thanx :)

Rani Sowmya said...

Blog does allow some soulspeak.. :-) Keep blogging with the same rigor!

Anand Sarolkar said...

@ Rani: Sure it does..thanks :)

rayshma said...

have managed to blog-roll u. finally! :)

Me Thinks.. said...

its been a pleasure reading your blogs...

Anand Sarolkar said...

@MT: Thank you very much!