In Chennai…
*The autos are less fuel efficient on Sundays.
*The autowala can count only from 30.
*The meter is just a decorative piece in the auto.
*The autowala will only speak in Tamil.
*All the autowalas think that are the “Mota Boss” (Mota Boss? Who else…of course Rajni…err…Super Star Rajni)
*If you are coming out of American consulate, the autowala will ask you if you have got visa then he will charge you accordingly. (Crazy…..isn’t it?)
*The autowala will charge you more if you are his first passenger of the day.
5 days ago
town town ki kahaani!!
i miss autos!!! :(
Poor U!!!!
arre no! they play some awesome music... LOL! and i had regular auto-waalas... they used to give us a "regulars" discount also. were really very helpful! esp when bbay was water-logged! or i had early morng flights... :)
so true...I have had my experiences with them! and trust me none of them are worth even talking abt...
Meter down! ;)
@ MT: Meter Down...LOL!!! It's a different species altogether!
I know!
Baastids, I tell you!
have heard a lot abt Chennai autowallas - and this list surely is interesting :)
btw, cudnt help noticing this - the use of bulleted list indicates the MBA in u ;-)
long time no see... all well?
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