Monday, December 03, 2007

Visiting USA...

First time in my life, I am out of my country...India. I am in USA for 2 months.

How does it feel?

It feels great...beatiful...weird and lonely! All at the same time. Just one week has passed and I am already counting days to go back. As usual there are lots of questions at the back of my mind. And as usual I am struggling to find out answers for them or perhaps I have got answers which I did not want. When I was in India preparing to get here...I had never thought that it would be so difficult. But now I know...that it's very difficult. I am just hoping that this exposure would be helpful for me. But as of now I feel I am in loss. And this makes me more sad

Am I sounding like a cry baby?...perhaps I am...I should leave this here...


rayshma said...

it's okay to crib! :D
it's usually difficult to adapt in a new country initially... eventually, u don't realize how, where and when it grows on u and stays with u forever!
make the most of ur trip! :)

rayshma said...

btw, details of engagement? and pics!?

Saish said...

Life is never fair...

What others want, U get and what you want, U always complain for...

Btw, Is Chennai better?

Saish said...
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Pavitra said...

the first few months of being alone in a foreign land are always lonely and scary...
ONce you get over truly enjoy discovering yourself. Give it a chance! :)

CandidConfessions said...

Aww.. Relate to it totally! The first few months of agony and homesickness!! Chug along, its not that bad here!

Anand Sarolkar said...

@saish: agree dude! life's never fair. but Bensalem is better than Chennai ;)

@prude: yeah...right but does loneliness help discover oneself?

@CC: i am doing just that...hope this will pass to...