Friday, October 26, 2007

Smiley Moments :-)

I am on my way out of a departmental store when a baby sitting on her father's lap puts out a hand and tucks at my shirt, smiling.
And I smile.
I am on my way to office when I notice a lady wearing those retro style HUGE sunglasses of 1960’s. I find it very funny.
And I smile.
I am sitting in my office getting bored. Suddenly the IM message pops up and says ‘Hi :-)’.
And I smile.
I am walking down the road and I hear my favorite song playing somewhere.
And I smile.

I put up a post on my Blog. Next time when I check my Blog I see “1 were here”
And I smile.

These may seem like very ordinary moments of the life but sometimes moments like these bring a smile on your face and make your day. You forget all your tensions, fears and worries for that one moment.

That’s why these are smiley moments…smiley moments of happiness!!!


Rani Sowmya said...

Those are some perfect moments that pack life in them.. :-)Wish you more of those..

Anand Sarolkar said...

@rani: thanks :)